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Key Takeaways

  • Cannabis may improve sleep in people with chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, and restless legs syndrome.
  • Cannabis may induce sleep by suppressing arousal and increasing adenosine.
  • The relaxing effects of sativa versus indica depend on amount, timing and the individual.
  • Studies suggest cannabis can help insomnia, but long-term use may negatively influence sleep.

Both recreational and medicinal users frequently utilize cannabis, sometimes known as marijuana, as a sleep aid. Approximately 70% of young adults who use cannabis occasionally say they do so to improve their quality of sleep. Up to 85% of persons who use cannabis for medical purposes—such as pain relief—state that it helps them sleep better.

Cannabis as a sleep aid is still being studied. When taken seldom, cannabis may assist treat insomnia; nevertheless, long-term usage of the drug may have negative effects on sleep quality.


How Does Cannabis Work as a Sleep Aid?

Cannabinoids are thought to have a sleep-inducing impact because of their interactions with the brain’s cannabinoid receptors. The brain’s arousal system is suppressed and levels of sleep-promoting adenosine are raised when cannabis attach to these receptors. When combined, these effects could make cannabis users feel drowsy or sedative.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol are two of the many active ingredients in cannabis (CBD). Although THC usually has a calming effect, some users, particularly those who are new to cannabis or are taking higher amounts, may experience a stimulating impact from it. In these situations, consuming cannabis right before bed may cause you to sleep later. Lower doses of CBD seem to encourage alertness, whereas greater amounts seem to encourage sleepiness.

Both THC and CBD may be beneficial for long-term illnesses that cause difficulty falling asleep. However, the time and dosage of the two substances may affect their combined effects.

For instance, synthetic THC has demonstrated promise in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, the reduction of nightmares associated with PTSD, and the enhancement of sleep quality for individuals with chronic pain. Conversely, CBD may lessen the signs and symptoms of excessive daytime drowsiness and REM sleep behavior disorder.

The effects you experience when using cannabis as a sleep aid can vary depending on the strain you’re taking. Higher quantities of THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, are present. CBD concentrations are higher in hemp plants.

How Is Cannabis Different from Other Natural Sleep Aids?

Due to cannabis classification as a banned substance, little study has been done on it.
Reliable Source
Millions of scientific publications including journals, books, series, protocols, reference works, and events are available to researchers via SpringerLink.
Compare the effectiveness and safety of cannabis sleep aids to those of other sleep aids by visiting the source. The FDA has only approved a small number of synthetic medications designed to mimic THC and one product created from naturally derived CBD. They do not help with sleep; they are used for nausea and other ailments.

Similar to other natural sleep aids, some people may use medicinal cannabis in an attempt to stay away from stronger medications like opioids. A danger of misuse, tolerance, or dependency is linked to several prescription and over-the-counter sleep aids, despite the fact that they can be quite beneficial in the short term.
Reliable Source: Biotech Information, National Library of Medicine
The National Center for Biotechnology Information makes genomic and biological data accessible, promoting research and health.
Check Out the Source. Certain natural sleep aids, such as melatonin tablets
Reliable Source: Biotech Information, National Library of Medicine
The National Center for Biotechnology Information makes genomic and biological data accessible, promoting research and health.
Examine the Source, seem to lessen sleeplessness with no negative side effects while other homeopathic options, like valerian, still need more research. BUY THC VAPE JUICE ONLINE

Which Type of Cannabis Is Best For Sleep?

There are different strains of cannabis, which each produce different effects. The most common strains are indica and sativa:

  • Indica is thought to be more calming, and may help produce feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. People appear to prefer indica for pain management, relaxation, and sleep.
  • Sativa is considered more stimulating, and it may produce feelings of euphoria for some. People tend to use sativa to gain an energy boost.

The majority of distinctions between sativa and indica strains are dependent on the personal experiences of cannabis consumers. Buy Cannabis Online Europe. Certain experts contend that the differentiation between strains of sativa and indica
Reliable Source
Biotech Information, National Library of Medicine
The National Center for Biotechnology Information makes genomic and biological data accessible, promoting research and health.
View Source is not as important as the differences in THC concentration and other components in any given product. Buy Cannabis Online Europe. Depending on the precise ratio of cannabinoids and other components, hybrid strains combining sativa and indica characteristics may yield varying effects.

Tips When Using Cannabis for Sleep

Your healthcare practitioner can offer the best advice depending on your needs and medical history if you intend to try cannabis as a sleep aid. Still, it is beneficial to know about the various possibilities that are accessible.

Which Form of Cannabis to Use for Sleep

Cannabis can be ingested, smoked, vaped, or used topically as a sublingual tincture. Every form has disadvantages, and the amount of active THC that will enter your system depends on its bioavailability. People who are worried about how smoke affects their lungs might rather not smoke it.

Since the THC enters your system directly, cannabis inhaled has a tendency to have a high bioavailability. On the other hand, edibles experience a considerable loss of THC after digestion. When opposed to cannabis taken orally, which has a bioavailability rate of 4% to 20%, smoked cannabis can have rates as high as 56%. People who are worried about how smoke affects their lungs might rather not smoke it.

When to Take Cannabis for Sleep

It’s important to keep in mind that different cannabis strains have varying effects in terms of how long they take to take effect. While edibles can take longer to take effect because they need to pass through your digestive system, smoking cannabis usually produces effects practically instantly.

Depending on the individual, the length of the inhalation, the frequency of inhalations, and other variables, the effects of smoking cannabis might vary greatly. THC levels often peak after ten minutes or so.

What Effects You May Notice

Since different strains of cannabis have different effects on different people, you might need to try a few different formats, dosages, and timings before you find what works best for you. with addition to aiding with sleep, THC is a psychoactive substance that frequently produces other effects. You may feel sleepy, relaxed, euphoric, or energized.

Certain users of cannabis may also experience confusion, loss of balance, dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, and hallucinations. Additionally, you can feel paranoid, anxious, or have panic attacks.

How to ingest marijuana for a good night’s rest

The majority of marijuana users smoke joints or use pipes to consume the plant.

Try vaping devices or sublingual THC tinctures if you don’t like smoking, want to protect your lungs, or don’t like the smell of marijuana. These are two popular ways to use marijuana to fall asleep.

Next is the issue of how much marijuana is appropriate to consume. Buy Cannabis Online Europe. You may need to explore a bit to get the ideal dosage, so avoid trying this during the workweek! When starting to smoke or vape, you should just take a few draws at first.

A little goes a big way, as Tishler points out. Buy Cannabis Online Europe. As previously noted, going overboard can result in fatigue the next morning. Tishler adds, “It’s [OK] too if you need to re-dose in the middle of the night.” “However, if you wake up less than four hours after you should be up, you should not take another dose.”

Observe your feelings following a smoke. The term “high” can refer to a wide range of experiences, including mild euphoria, a delayed perception of time, and amplified sensations like cotton mouth.


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